Land Conservation Program
Shasta Land Trust works with willing landowners to conserve important properties in far Northern California. Since our first conservation easement in 2002 on the Fenwood Ranch, we have followed a conservation plan that to date has successfully conserved over 61,000 acres of significant working ranches, wildlife habitat, and open space throughout Shasta County and adjacent areas.
We were formed because people in our local community were inspired by the natural beauty surrounding us here in the north state and wanted to help conserve these special landscapes for future generations to enjoy. Our conservation successes support the local rural way of life, provide wildlife habitat, protect water quality, and provide the public with countless benefits of protected open space.
As a locally-led and supported non-profit conservation organization, Shasta Land Trust remains flexible, carefully researching and selecting the best tools to accomplish our conservation objectives. Just as each property is unique, there are a number of different tools that we can use to conserve land. We strive to find the best approach to achieve the objectives of landowners and also protect the public benefits and conservation values that we pursue.
Click on each of the photos for more information
Keating Ranch
Cow Creek PG&E Retained
Whispering Oaks
Two Rivers Park
Fenwood Ranch
Fall River Ranch
Parkville Ranch
Cow Creek Ranch
Lillian Nelson Nature Preserve
Bear Creek Nature Preserve
North Fall River Lake
Paige Ranch
Hat Creek Uplands
McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park Land
Miller Demonstration State Forest
Marble Creek UC Berkeley
Noel Ranch
Hat Creek Conservation Easement
Fall River Mills Conservation Easement
Rickert Brothers Ranch
River Ranch
Triple B Ranch
Hathaway Ranch
Hootman Ranch
River Butte Ranch
Hat Creek GUn CLUB
valleys end nature preserve
Ross Ranch
Fall River Mills - Pit River Tribe
Hat Creek 2 - Pit River Tribe
Big Bend Demonstration State Forest
Miller Ranch
Tunnel Reservoir Conservation Easement