About Us


To conserve the beauty, character, and diversity of significant lands in northern California.


  • Permanently protect land with natural, recreational, scenic, agricultural, historic, or productive value

  • Collaborate with landowners, agencies, and other non-profits to achieve shared conservation goals

  • Work locally to protect working lands, natural resources, and special places important to our community

  • Inspire local conservation initiatives and lead events that connect people to the places that make our area unique

  • Restore our local natural resources through creek cleanups and other stewardship activities

  • Educate the next generation about the natural world and the importance of acting locally

  • Uphold the public's trust. As an accredited land trust, we ensure that the properties we protect stay protected...forever


Since our founding in 1998, the Shasta Land Trust has protected over 61,000+ acres of farmland, open space, and wildlife habitat. As an accredited land trust SLT has worked with willing landowners, partners, local communities, and donors to achieve meaningful and lasting conservation of local lands. The scenic beauty, rich natural resources, and open spaces of far northern California are essential to the health and vibrancy of our families and local communities. Through conservation a lasting impact for future generations has been created.

What Others Are Saying

"Our ranches can now be maintained as working ranches into perpetuity. It benefits everyone to preserve working landscapes that ensure the livestock industry continues to provide available healthy and sustainable food options." 

— Mary Rickert, Prather Ranch Beef

"I believe the conservation efforts being made by Shasta Land Trust and caring landowners will make a difference in the future. Please consider learning more and getting involved any way you can. We can all contribute something!"

— Rebecca Cileo, Volunteer

"Only with the guidance of Shasta Land Trust could the 80-mile Great Shasta Rail Trail become a reality." 

—April Gray, GSRT Association