Forever Shasta Legacy Giving Society

A legacy gift to Shasta Land Trust can be one of the most profound ways to conserve what makes this part of northern California so special, with its precious land, waterways, and rural way of life. 

Everyone, regardless of the size of their estate, can make a lasting difference with a legacy gift. There are many simple and flexible giving options from which you can choose while meeting your family's estate planning, financial, and philanthropic goals.  

These gifts arranged via your will, trust, or other plans, commemorates your special connection to nature, while ensuring these irreplaceable landscapes are protected for years to come. Such giving options are called “planned gifts” because with thoughtful planning, many estate planning designations can benefit you and your loved ones now or in the future, as well as provide for the lasting conservation of our beloved region.

Your planned gifts have an extraordinary impact, and will be used to protect cherished natural habitat, open space, recreational, and agricultural land for generations to come. Learn more about the different ways to make a lasting impact through a planned gift:

  • Make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.

    Provide a gift of any amount (either by a specific amount or through a percentage of your estate) through a will or a living trust. Many charitable bequests can simply be added as an amendment to your will or living trust, called a codicil. To make a bequest, talk with your financial planner or estate planning attorney. Language for donating to Shasta Land Trust in your will or living trust is available on our website, or please call us at (530) 241-7886.

    Potential Benefits: Your gift is revocable and remains under your control during life. Ensures your heirs follow your wishes, while providing support for the Shasta Land Trust.

    Bequest Language:
    Here is some suggested language you can have your attorney review:

    “I give, devise and bequeath to Shasta Land Trust (tax I.D. #68-0441184), located in Redding, California, the sum of ________________________________ dollars ($ _______________) (Or state a percentage of your estate, or describe real or personal property, including exact location) for the benefit of its general purposes (or specify the Shasta Land Trust program you wish to support).”

  • Retirement plan assets transferred tax-free.

    Name Shasta Land Trust as the beneficiary of a retirement plan (IRA, 401k, 403b, Roth IRA, etc.) using your plan’s beneficiary form.*

    Potential Benefits: Distributions from tax-deferred retirement plans, like IRAs, are taxable to owners during life ­— and to heirs when inherited. By naming Shasta Land Trust as a beneficiary of your retirement plan and leaving other, less tax-vulnerable assets to your heirs, you may reduce taxes for your heirs.

    *Brokers and administrators do not always include the donors’ names on distribution checks. Please let us know in advance so we will be able to identify your gift.

  • Reduce your gross income for tax purposes.

    Individuals ages 70 1/2 and over can make charitable gifts directly from a traditional IRA account without incurring federal income tax on the withdrawal. Contact your IRA adminstrator and instruct them to transfer funds to Shasta Land Trust.*

    Potential Benefits: Up to $100,000 may be removed each year from your gross income for income tax purposes (some IRS restrictions apply), and the distribution counts toward your required minimum distribution.

    *Brokers and administrators do not always include the donors’ names on distribution checks. Please let us know in advance so we will be able to identify your gift.

  • Eliminate tax on capital gains with a quick, easy gift.

    Contribute long-term appreciated stock or other securities such as mutual funds and ETFs.*

    Potential Benefits: By giving appreciated property like stocks or bonds, you can protect support local land conservation at a lower cost to you. Please consult your tax advisor to determine the full deductibility and timing of your donation.

    *Brokers and administrators do not always include the donors’ names on distribution checks. Please let us know in advance so we will be able to identify your gift.

  • Charitably invest in a cause.

    In addition to recommending immediate or recurring grants to Shasta Land Trust from your donor advised fund (DAF), you can name Shasta Land Trust as the full or partial beneficiary of your fund.*

    Potential Benefits: Donating appreciated, noncash assets through your DAF can be a tax-wise way to support Shasta Land Trust while eliminating capital gains taxes.

    *Brokers and administrators do not always include the donors’ names on distribution checks. Please let us know in advance so we will be able to identify your gift.

  • Make a significant gift with little cost to you, leveraging a policy you own and no longer need.

    Name Shasta Land Trust as the owner or beneficiary of a whole life or term life insurance policy, using your plan’s beneficiary form.*

    Potential Benefits: Donating a life insurance policy you no longer need can be a powerful strategy to make a larger gift than you might otherwise afford, while receiving immediate tax benefits.

    *Brokers and administrators do not always include the donors’ names on distribution checks. Please let us know in advance so we will be able to identify your gift.

  • Supplement your income with fixed payments that may be partially tax-free.

    Work with a financial advisor to establish an annuity contract that benefits Shasta Land Trust.

    Potential Benefits: A charitable gift annuity provides you with fixed, annual payments for as long as you live, and an immediate income tax deduction. If you fund your gift annuity with long-term appreciated securities, you won’t owe capital gains tax on any associated gain.

  • Secure income with potential for income growth. Create a trust, managed by a third party trustee. During your lifetime the trust pays you a fixed percentage of the trust's assets, and the remaining assets are donated to Shasta Land Trust.

    Potential Benefits: Allows you to bypass the capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated assets (like real estate & securities), receive lifetime income, and an immediate tax deduction.

  • Transfer ownership of real property through a current or future gift.

    Contact us about your real property and your wishes for it; get an appraisal; donate the property to Shasta Land Trust during your lifetime or through a will or a living trust. You can even continue to live on the property through a life estate which could be gifted during your lifetime.

    Potential Benefits: If you have owned the property for more than a year, you’ll receive an income tax deduction equal to the property’s full fair market value. You won’t owe capital gains tax and your gift will reduce the size of your future taxable estate. You can receive relief from the costs and responsibilities of property management.

  • Make a meaningful gift, even if cash is limited.

    Contact us about how to donate your tangible property, such as fine art or a vehicle, by benefiting Shasta Land Trust through a will or a living trust, or by making a donation during your lifetime.

    Potential Benefits: You may reduce your taxable income for the appraised value of the gift when taxes are itemized.

As always, we strongly recommend that you consult with an attorney and/or qualified estate planner when preparing legal documents.

 If you wish to name Shasta Land Trust as a beneficiary in your will, living trust, or other asset(s), please name us as:
Shasta Land Trust
Nonprofit organization
Address: PO Box 992026, Redding, CA 96099-2026
Tax ID#: 68-0441184
Phone: (530) 241-7886

We are grateful to those who make the protection of our cherished natural landscapes a part of their legacy. 

If you already have, or plan to include Shasta Land Trust in your estate plans, let us know! We want to thank you for your commitment to conservation. Be assured that we protect the privacy of all information you share, and anonymity is always an option

Contact Us:

If you have questions about making a legacy gift, we would be honored to discuss how a gift to Shasta Land Trust will achieve your philanthropic goals and positively shape the future of our community for generations to come. 

Please contact our Planned Giving Team by calling (530) 241-7886, email us at, or fill out the form below: