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Clover Creek Fish Ladders

On Wednesday, September 19th from 12-1pm, at the Shasta Land Trust office, we are kicking of our new Conservation Lunch Series, with the hour long talk focusing on the new Clover Creek Fish Ladders and the work that went into making this event a great success!

Ross Perry was the on-site representative for the Western Shasta Resource Conservation District throughout the construction of the fish ladders last summer. Last winter he ran the video fish monitoring station to monitor the success of the project from October 16' through March 17'. Ross will be bringing in some photos showcasing the fish using the new ladders. Bring your lunch to this free event and the Land Trust will provide the drinks and some snacks!

Featuring Ross Perry from the Western Shasta RCD

February 6

Shasta County Through the Eyes of a Geologist & Fossil Expert