Let's Celebrate Success!
/The Shasta Land Trust & The Great Shasta Rail Trail Association
Invite You to Celebrate the Acquisition of the 80-mile Rail Trail
Connecting McCloud and Burney
Come celebrate with your fellow supporters and meet some of the people who first had the vision, and others who attended countless meetings, developed relationships, wrote reports, filed papers, cleared culverts, and the donors like you who generously support our organizations and this amazing project.
A thousand hands have worked in teams and collaborated across cities, counties and organizations. We did this together and it’s time to celebrate!
Join us for a Grand Opening Ceremony and Reception - you have two opportunities:
Grand Opening in McCloud - Saturday, September 26
4:30 p.m. at the Old McCloud Depot site, following Biketoberfest activities
A reception will follow at the McCloud Mercantile. Music, drinks and no host wine and beer available.
In the spirit of everyone contributing to build success we invite you to help make this celebration a memorable one! Please bring a contribution to the dessert buffet or the cheese platter. We will have a lovely buffet of favorite sweets made by our supporters – cakes, cookies, pies – as well as delicious cheeses to complement the menu. With everyone contributing you know it will be great!
You may bring your contribution to the Mercantile in the morning before activities begin or anytime throughout the day.
If you are unable to contribute to the dessert buffet, please don’t let that stop you – Come and celebrate with us, there will be plenty to share!
Grand Opening in Burney - Sunday, September 27
1:00 p.m. at the Burney Depot Trailhead
A reception will follow at the Burney Depot Trailhead. The Burney Depot is located at the intersection of Black Ranch Road and Highway 299. Traveling east from Redding, drive through Burney approximately 1.5 miles. The depot is on left. Traveling west from Intersection of Highway 299 and 89, the depot is on right entering Burney.
Bring your friends and loved ones – We look forward to seeing you!
Thank you!
Anne Thomas, Shasta Land Trust 530.241.7886 athomas@shastalandtrust.org
Bob Polkinghorn, Great Shasta Rail Trail Association gsrailtrail@gmail.com