AmeriCorps Corner with Jake

A Great Start to Adopted Trails

With spring in full swing, Shasta Land Trust and our amazing group of volunteers had a great start to the cleanings of our adopted park and trails! Most notably, the February 13th cleanup along the Old 99 Trail was a complete success!

It was an amazing day for a cleanup. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, and the birds were chirping. Our volunteers were ready to go! With the hard work and determination from our crew, we gathered up plastic bags, cups, cans, clothes, and other large debris from the trail. By the end of the cleanup, we removed more than 8 bags of trash, an old box fan, and 3 shopping carts. The carts did come in handy when we had to move the trash to the bottom of the trail!

It was great getting out and improving the quality of the area. Not only for the use of those that walk the trail, but for the wildlife there as well. Admiring the area we just cleaned up, one volunteer pointed out a really neat plant, the California Dutchman’s Pipe. With my tunnel vision focused on the woody vine, I unknowing put my bag and trash grabber right into a patch of Poison Oak! I really need to remember what that looks like…

The two pictures are just one example of the great job our crew did to clean up the Old 99 Trail. They really did some amazing work!





Until next time,


Landscape Scale Projects


Welcome Anne Thomas, Development Coordinator