AmeriCorps Corner
/Crash Course in the Landscapes of California!
What a first couple of weeks in California it has been! From my orientation for the Sierra Nevada AmeriCorps Partnership (SNAP) program to exploring the areas around Redding, I have seen some truly incredible areas!
Orientation for the SNAP program took place in Midpines, CA, just west of Yosemite National Park. Driving into Yosemite, I immediately was in awe of the mountains surrounding me and once in the park, I set off to see as much as I could. The returning rains brought back some streams and waterfalls. I even got to see a bear cub just 5 feet away from me! Needless to say, I got out of the area before the mama bear could get out of the tree!
Back in northern California, I set east to explore the many areas around Whiskeytown Lake. Once I had the map in hand, I was off to Whiskeytown Falls. The distance on the map to the falls didn’t seem too far, but I underestimated the many inclines along the way. Just when I thought I would never reach the falls, I could hear the rushing of water off in the distance. I have never seen falls before and it was definitely worth the hike!
Finally, with the little energy I had left, I packed a bag and headed to Lassen Volcanic National Park. This, like many other places, is an amazing place to go! While I didn’t even see half of the park, I did get to walk some nice trails and stopped about every 5 minutes to take pictures of snow-covered Lassen. I will definitely be back there sometime soon!
I have seen some amazing landscapes, but still have much to explore. My next adventures will be in and around Redding as well as the many properties protected by the Shasta Land Trust! It is definitely great to be here in California!
Until next time,