Bulletins From The Board

By John Stokes

Well the seasons are changing, Fall is finally here.  The last few months have been busy for the Board with the search and selection of the Communications and Engagement Coordinator Dana North. The search for a new Executive Director is well on its way with applications in and being considered.  During this transition to a new Director, Debra Townsend has been doing a wonderful job as Interim Executive Director.

Public Park in Fall River Mills

The Land Trust hasn’t missed a step moving forward with the Stewardship Council (PG&E) easement projects.  At the top of the list is an easement for the long anticipated Fall River Mills Park.  This project will facilitate the construction of a park at the confluence of the Pitt and Fall Rivers where the original water-driven mill was located.  The park will include both an active portion and preservation of a natural area.  It is so exciting to be able to help this community to achieve their goal of creating the park.  And this is not the only project where the Trust is ensuring public access to important recreational resources. 

Much of the PG&E land involved in these projects has been used for many years by the public for hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and boating.  You as part of the Trust can be proud of your role in ensuring that these areas remain protected in perpetuity.

Giving Tuesday

Speaking of things you can do to support the Land Trust, we will participate in Giving Tuesday this year.  I am sure you all have heard of Black Friday after Thanksgiving and now Cyber Monday where we Americans are encouraged to shop, shop, and shop some more. Well, Giving Tuesday is when we are being encouraged to support your favorite nonprofits and charities. On Tuesday November 29th go online to northstategives.org and find Shasta Land Trust.  Or, head over to the party at the Land Trust office on 1768 West Street between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., where we will have an open house to help people make their contributions online. 

This is a time when you may choose to make your yearly contribution, make an end of year contribution or if that doesn’t fit your schedule even a small gift helps.   This will do two important things to support the Land Trust.  First, there is a matching of funds available to increase the power of your support. Second, this will be an opportunity for more people to be aware of the value our Land Trust provides to the community and to contribute their support to conservation in the North State.